Digital Media Marketing

Marketing objective - An objective of marketing

Marketing Objectives are set goals you want the marketing to achieve such as websites or social medias you would like it to be marketed on or as simple as "make your product known/sell your product" which is usually the purpose of all marketing. As bill Copeland puts it "The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score" (SMART Goals: – How to Make Your Goals Achievable, 2020)

 The Three marking objectives i came up with were:

Highlight its unique features/selling points to entice people to your product, new or old, over the course of the next year, measured by the amount of visits the games page is getting.

Help create a presence for my brand and myself via an increase in social media account followers over the next month,  

Increase communication with followers by doubling the amount of time spent replying to comments or being involved in discussion over the following month.

 I chose these as they all follow the SMART system - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time bound - a system which makes making Marketing objectives a whole lot easier by clearing stating what your objectives should accomplish. 2020. SMART Goals: – How To Make Your Goals Achievable. [online] Available at: <https:"" pages="" article="" smart-goals.htm=""> [Accessed 14 March 2020].</https:>

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